導軌式電源供應器DVP系列、CliQ系列、CliQ II系列及Chrome系列提供12V / 24V額定輸出電壓,廣泛適用於攝氏-20度至75度的環境溫度,最小保持時間為20ms,為專為惡劣工業環境打造的極致設計。


  Delta's DVP, CliQ, CliQ II, and Chrome series power supplies offer a nominal output voltage of 12V / 24V, a wide temperature range from -20°C to +75°C and a minimum holdup time of 20ms. The state-of-the-art design is made to withstand harsh industrial environments.

*Note: Product specifications are for reference only and may be different between models. Please refer to product manuals or product web pages for detailed information.